A Few Amazing Instagram Accounts To Follow Right Now

Remember how I told you all a few weeks ago that I was going to dig deeper and diversify the content that I consume, including my Instagram feed? Well, I’ve really, really been actively looking for great new accounts, and now, nearly four weeks in, I am super happy with some of the accounts that I’ve discovered.
Apart from friends and family, I am a bit all over the place when it comes to the kind of creators I follow on Instagram – there’s some stylized fashion, a few poets, lots of bloggers, a few interior magazines, a couple of celebrities, a bunch of mental health accounts/psychologists, some artists, and a few photographers. So naturally, when I was looking for new inspiration, well, it’s a mixed bag really.
Anyway, these 7 featured accounts totally caught my eye and I definitely think you should check them out too – think of them as fresh candidates for new “Instagram accounts to follow” :P. Maybe you’ll find them inspiring and enjoyable too!

Well, maybe I shouldn’t be following her account.Sukaina showcases gorgeous photos from her travels, and damn!it makes me want to go to all of the places. She also happens to be a modest traveler, which to be honest, I didn’t even know was a thing. But now I know. Yes, it’s totally different from my culture, and I am all the more better informed because of it.
Why should you follow this account? Because her way of life and travel is most likely very different from yours, and that’s the whole point of actively seeking diverse content, right? And you definitely need to read her words from this post. Also, because her photographs are absolutely stunning.

Tamara is a photographer based in Merida, Mexico (one of the most amazing cities I’ve ever travelled to) and while she has a couple of other accounts, I enjoy this account of hers – where she showcases her architectural photography – the most. I know Mexico invokes images of colour-saturated streets and locations, but through her photography, Tamara brings alive another aspect of Mexico and it’s beauty.
Why should you follow this account? Because she showcases a side of Mexico that is far divorced from the usual images of green! pink! orange! yellow! that we associate with Mexico.

The illustration account of Yamini Rameshh (who also goes by @homegirlabouttown), I am loving her playing card illustrations showcasing Bollywood actors and actresses. She’s not afraid of taking a stand on current issues, and uses her art to beautifully convey her opinions.
Why should you follow this account? Because her illustrations have a super fresh vibe (loving her 90s video game message series) and she finds a way to incorporate Indian motifs without resorting to done-to-death kitsch.

Lareese’s account is just sheer beauty. It’s muted tones, minimalist aesthetic, everything really, is so pleasing to the eye, and all sorts of soothing. This image is one of my absolute favourites from her recent works.
Why should you follow this account? Because her images invoke a sense of longing for the slow life, the quite life, one surrounded by woods and all things nature.

A very wordy account but such beautiful words at that.
Adrian Michael Green is a writer, poet and speaker. His posts are like a balm for a weary soul. They offer so much advice, direction, hope, and love in the gentlest manner possible. Some days, his words have been exactly what I’ve needed to hear at that moment, and they’ve helped so much.
Why should you follow this account? Because there is infinite wisdom in his words, and they will lift you up on your worse days and make you smile on your best ones.

Loosely translated as: Don’t keep searching for good people in your life; become a good person yourself, maybe someone else’s search will get completed on meeting you
Okay, this one is strictly for those of you who can understand Hindi, so apologies for that. But wow, this guy has a way with words and he manages to say so much in just a few lines. I’ve found myself nodding along, sighing, and often smiling when his post appears in my feed. Profound musings conveyed so beautifully. Absolutely loving this account.
Why should you follow this account? Because soulful words and poetry is not the domain of only the English speaking crowds.

Tracie is a holistic nurse and writer, and she caught my eye because of the soulful and positivity-spreading affirmations she shares. I love how she make it look so easy, but it takes a special kind of magic to weave words the way she does. Also, the real magic is in her captions, so take your time to read through them.
Why should you follow this account? Because there is an undeniable beauty in words that spread goodness and positivity all around.
So well, there you have it – a mixed bag of fresh Instagram accounts to follow. Like I said, I’ve been enjoying all this diverse content and I have my eyes peeled for more visual gorgeousness! If you’ve got more Insta account recommendations, please let me know in the comments below!
All images are from respective Instagram accounts as showcased and mentioned.